Social News im Vorfeld planen und verknüpfen: mit Buffer und Ifttt jetzt auch für den Mittelstand machbar

Social Media Publishing im Vorfeld planen und in verdaubaren Happen publizieren – eine gute Lösung für alle, die erst spät am Abend Zeit finden, ihrer Publishing-Aufgabe nachzukommen. …und dann werden allzu oft geballte Ladungen Content verschickt. 
Buffer schafft hier Abhilfe 
… und wenn jetzt diese Inhalte vom Blog zu Facebook, zu Twitter und zu Google+ (??) publiziert werden, wird das Leben als „Social Mediaist“ richtig erträglich.

If-this-than-that und Buffer arbeiten jetzt zusammen und TechCrunch hat auch schon die Step-by-Step Anleitung wie’s geht.

Viel Spaß beim „Schrauben und Bauen“ …ich werde es auch heute noch ausprobieren!

Eure Ute

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If This Then That (Ifttt) has been quietly building a tool to help you automatically share information from one web service into another web service.

Buffer, meanwhile, has been quietly building a tool to help you schedule sharing from any web service, so people who read what you share get a pleasantly staggered stream of information rather than one big blast.

Today, the two relatively under-the-radar startups are partnering to make it easy to first automatically share and schedule your shared information from one service to others. It’s clever (although a little tricky to set up at first) and something that more and more people are going to want to use to share information the right way for their friends and followers.

Here’s a personal example, in case this all sounds too abstract. Let’s say I want to automatically share all TechCrunch posts about Facebook to my Facebook-fascinated fans on my Facebook page over the course of the day.

First, I create a new task in Ifttt, add the RSS URL for the TechCrunch-Facebook feed to Ifttt (“This,” also known as the trigger within the interface).

Then, I choose Buffer as the service to share to (“That,” or the action that the trigger will cause), and I add my Facebook Page as the sharing destination within Buffer. Note: Ifttt is especially useful already in this csae because Facebook recently got rid of its RSS importing feature for Notes in favor of leaving that to third parties.

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